Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Guess What!!!!!!

Originally uploaded by TheYeagers.

It has been a while from the last post. A lot has been going on, Morgan has been a bolt of lightning, but in a good way of course. She has been learning new things every day. Amanda has been very busy with school and Volleyball that has just finished. Now starts basketball (bonga bonga ball) season it shouldn't be to bad. I have been busy at work and trying to stay on the heals of Miss Morgan and Amanda. But other than that it is the same old thing. But we have got new news Morgan is a BIG SISTER IN TRAINING!!! Our new arrival will be due in the middle of May. We can't wait.
Be sure to click on the picture and it will take you to flicker to see all of our pictures, click view as slide show and it will go through all of the pictures.